A dental implant is the most natural way to replace a tooth. Implants are long-term solutions to missing teeth.
Dental implants are fixed, meaning they won’t move. This allows you to eat, speak, and smile with
confidence. You also don’t need to worry about loose dentures.
Replacement teeth are handcrafted by an expert technician in alignments that match the individual
needs for each site. An Implant becomes part of you, making it the perfect long-term, reliable way to
replace missing teeth.
Many important factors are considered in the success of dental implants, such as your general health,
oral health, whether you’re a smoker or not, and the amount of bone available at the site. That’s why
we take the time to properly evaluate each patient, discussing all the variables during your consultation.
Missing teeth can greatly reduce our quality of life. Replacing teeth as soon as possible keeps the mouth
functioning correctly and prevents long term chnages to your mouth and jaw.
Wondering if you need dental implants? Request an appointment with us!